Calendar of
With a view to create a closer relationship
between children, educators and parents,
at Opera Kids we promote various thematic events.
between children, educators and parents,
at Opera Kids we promote various thematic events.
With a view to create a closer relationship between children, educators and parents, at Opera Kids we promote various thematic events.

Calendar of
A new holiday every month
Holidays at Opera Kids are held in an atmosphere of friendship, love and creativity. Our principle is to help children go beyond their limits and discover their talents. Parents will be invited to every holiday, where they will be able to enjoy the success of their children.
Winter Show
At the end of each calendar year, children will enjoy the magic of the winter holidays by staging dance, music and theater performances. The little ones will experience unique emotions of singing, dancing and performing roles on the big stage in a fairy-tale atmosphere.
Mother`s Day
To celebrate this beautiful holiday, children will prepare theatrical scenes, make artworks and convey to their mothers the most sincere emotions in the most innocent way they know.
Family`s Festival
A large family of Opera Kids will surprise all friends with a wonderful party where children will sing and dance surrounded by their parents. This holiday is dedicated to family values, and its atmosphere is warm and joyful, which is what the atmosphere in a family should be.
Fun Party
Dressed in the costumes of favorite fairy-tale heroes, children will be invited to have fun at a cheerful and fun party. Kids will participate in exciting games that will bring them smiles and positive emotions.
Earth Day
Opera Kids kindergarten promotes love for the environment. All participants of our community will be involved in ecological activities that will aim to highlight the importance of ecology in our lives. Through the activities proposed, children will be taught to value nature, animals and the entire planet.
Children`s Day
On this magical day, children will be immersed in the atmosphere of songs and dances, enjoying the most wonderful period of life. The Opera Kids team will delight children with gifts and prepare for them interesting games and contests.
Friendship Day
This holiday will allow children to have fun with their friends and celebrate the joy of sharing their feelings with a dear friend. Day by day, Opera Kids carers will encourage children to create beautiful relationships, thus raising a happy generation.
Summer Festival
On warm summer days, the whole community will be invited to the green grass to enjoy a lemonade prepared by themselves. Together with their carers, children will perform famous songs, play their favorite musical instruments and enjoy the most delicious ice cream.
Celebration Day
At Opera Kids we will mark multiculturalism by organizing a beautiful event where children will be invited to know the customs of other cultures. Children will learn songs, put on national costumes of other countries and taste the most unusual dishes from all over the world.
National Independence Day
Dressed in national costumes children will be able to invite parents to a Big Hora right in the courtyard of the kindergarten. Children will get acquainted with the most beautiful customs of our country and will cook the most delicious dishes of our picturesque motherland.
Autumn Fairytale
The beauty of autumn will be marked at Opera Kids with a big celebration that will gather the whole community at a meeting of good cheer and gratitude for the gifts offered by this beautiful season. Guided by parents and teachers, children will participate in an exhibition of personal artworks made on the occasion of this holiday.
Winter Charity Bazar
During the winter holidays, the entire Opera Kids community will be involved in charity activities. Children will make works, сook biscuits and participate in a fair that will aim to educate beautiful values. Little ones will learn about kindness, reciprocity and generosity.